Welcome to the whistleblower scheme.

Horten wishes to be a responsible business and to provide a secure and safe working environment. Therefore, we encourage you to use the whistleblower scheme if you are familiar with or have knowledge of matters which would not otherwise have come to light. You may not feel that you are able to approach your manager, the director, HR or your usual contact person at Horten.

Internal employees can report anonymously, whereas external parties must disclose their identity, when submitting a report. If you are reporting anonymously we encourage you to be thorough with the description of the matter and give us the opportunity to ask follow-up questions to you through the login option provided to you. 

You can report in written form through the reporting portal.

All reports are handled confidentially, and we safeguard your identity with particular care.

When you have submitted a report, the whistleblower team at Horten conducts a screening of the report and checks whether the report is covered by the whistleblower scheme and whether the report should be examined further.

From this page you can report a new matter or follow up on an existing report.

You can log in and follow up on a report after submitting a report. 

1) You can see a status-report on the submitted report

2) You wish to provide additional information to your report

3) The investigators may have requested further information from you to help them investigate the matter.

You are encouraged to log in and follow up on the report in the following week after submitting your report. 

You are encouraged to use  Hortens whistleblower scheme if the concern or suspicion can be handled effectively internally and the risk of retaliation is not present. Alternatively, you can report your concern via Datatilsynets whistleblowing channel available at Whistleblower channel i Datatilsynet.