Welcome to our Global Whistleblower Program

We have established a global whistleblower program to enable current and former employees, agency workers, contractors, suppliers, business partners and other external parties with a connection to PolyPeptide ("whistleblowers") to report suspicions and concerns about actual or potential breaches, unethical and/or illegal activities, irregularities, wrongdoings, unlawful behaviour and financial misconduct.    

The purpose of the whistleblower program is to enable whistleblowers to report such suspicions and concerns as soon as possible in the knowledge that they are able to do so without fear of intimidation, harassment, retaliation, reprisals, discrimination, or adverse employment consequence because of such report.

All whistleblower reports are received by an external third party, PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab), an independent audit firm, which will ensure an independent and confidential channel for you to report your concern or suspicion.

Reports will be sent to us after an initial assessment by PwC.