Welcome to our whistleblower scheme

We have established a whistleblower scheme to enable employees in Hedeselskabet, business partners and other external parties (whistleblowers) to report suspicions and concerns about actual or potential breaches, unethical and/or illegal activities, irregularities, wrongdoings, unlawful behaviour and financial misconduct. 

You can report in writing or orally though the whistleblower scheme. If you report your concern orally, your voice will be distorted, so your identity is not disclosed by the sound of your voice.

Whistleblower reports can be reported anonymously. If you wish to remain anonymous, do not disclose your name or other personally identifiable information, such as address or phone number. If you choose to remain anonymous, you can still engage in a dialogue and we can ask clarifying questions or request additional information or documentation. You are also able to follow up on your report and check the status of your report.

All whistleblower reports submitted through this whistleblower scheme are received by an external third party, PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab). As an independent audit firm PwC will ensure an independent, confidential channel for you to report your concern or suspicion.