We at MTG take all concerns seriously and we encourage all to speak up without fear of retaliation or other negative repercussions.
We want to promote a culture of openness, responsibility, and accountability and we ask any individual working at any level or grade within MTG to blow the whistle in case of suspected or actual occurrence(s) of irregularities noticed in a work-related context in the business of MTG.

MTG's whistleblowing channel is for reporting on cases that include, but are not limited to: 

Reports made to MTG’s Whistleblower Channel will only be received by and be available for an impartial group of specially appointed persons within MTG AB, which will maintain communication with the Whistleblower through this platform. 

If you have made a report, you can follow up on the report by clicking on "Follow up on existing report".
Following up on Your report can be relevant for numerous reasons:
1) You wish to see the status of your report, to check if action is being taken.
2) You wish to provide additional information to Your report.
3) The impartial group has requested additional information from You to help them resolve the issue or take the appropriate action.

Reports through the internal channel can be made 100% anonymously. All reports will be treated as confidential and sensitive. Personal data included in reports will only be available for the impartial group and will be processed by them only to the extent it is necessary to follow up on the report. You can read more on our process of handling any personal information on the tab: "MTG Data Privacy Notice". 

In our MTG - Whistleblower policy, You'll find more information on how we process information provided in our Whistleblower Channel, the investigation made by the impartial group and information on how to report information, without risking retaliation, through external channels established by competent local authorities