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5/5 stars on G2 | 642 companies just signed up
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Whistleblower Software by Formalize?
Hala Khairoun
Legal Assistant Manager - Burger Brands Belgium SA (Burger King, Quick)
Ana Damião
Compliance Manager - Grupo Nabeiro
Héctor Déniz Guedes
Area Manager Corporate Compliance and Criminal Lawyer - AGM Abogados
Dr. Stefanie Lejeune
State Secretary ret. Lawyer - GÖHMANN
Physical mailbox | “My door is always open” | E-mail service |
The highest Security Level |
The whistleblower can choose to be confidential or anonymous |
Cost-efficient |
Continue your conversation with the whistleblower after reporting |
Is the system compliant with GDPR, the EU Directive and Schrems II? |
Try the Whistleblower Software experience
5/5 stars on G2 | 642 companies just signed up
The highest Security Level
The whistleblower can choose to be confidential or anonymous
Continue your conversation with the whistleblower after reporting
Is the system compliant with GDPR, the EU Directive and Schrems II?
Physical mailbox
The highest Security Level
The whistleblower can choose to be confidential or anonymous
Continue your conversation with the whistleblower after reporting
Is the system compliant with GDPR, the EU Directive and Schrems II?
“My door is always open”
The highest Security Level
The whistleblower can choose to be confidential or anonymous
Continue your conversation with the whistleblower after reporting
Is the system compliant with GDPR, the EU Directive and Schrems II?
E-mail service
The highest Security Level
The whistleblower can choose to be confidential or anonymous
Continue your conversation with the whistleblower after reporting
Is the system compliant with GDPR, the EU Directive and Schrems II?
Try the Whistleblower Software experience
Start 14 day trial
5/5 stars on G2
+45 71 99 63 83
Kristoffer Abell
+45 71 99 63 83
Following the implementation of the EU Whistleblowing Directive, in all countries in the European Union companies with more than 50 employees, as well as most government organizations are legally required to establish a whistleblowing system. Said system allows employees to submit reports of law violations and other serious matters inside the company.
A well-designed whistleblowing channel aims to create a space where your employees can safely report issues, inadequacies, and malfeasance in the company. All European countries should have legislation requiring certain companies to have a whistleblower system.
A whistleblowing system is a secure system through which employees in a company can report violations that have occurred or that may be underway. Employees can report incidents in a confidential or anonymous way. The reporting takes place through a secure channel to protect their information.
The system is most often an online solution, either a web page or an anonymous mailbox that is separate from the company's other communication channels. In this way, the anonymity and confidentiality of the employee's information are ensured.
First off, it is a legal requirement. Every company with a minimum of 50 employees, and all government organizations within the EU, are obliged by their national laws to establish a whistleblower system. Companies that provide financial services and companies at risk of money laundering are also required to establish a system, regardless of size.
When you choose a whistleblower solution that is optimally focused on end-user experience and security, you not only achieve compliance with the new regulations, you also develop a culture of trust in your organization.
Our system is specifically developed for the purpose of meeting the legal requirements in relation to companies' whistleblower schemes in your country. We go 'all-in' to give you and your employees the best experience, and securing your data is our first priority.
Our platform uses end-to-end encryption, secure servers, and multi-factor authorizations to ensure your company's data is protected at all times, against all threats. Privacy is at the center of all we do.
Whistleblower Software by Formalize leads the industry when it comes to end-user experience and implementation in relation to Corporate Social Responsibility.
What's more, the platform can be tailored to your requirements, including branding, language, information required to file a report, and much more.
5/5 stars on G2